The last day of April today
and may is coming tomorrow
my wishes on next month are...
I wish i still can push myself and keep it on my study
I wish my daddy and mummy will stay healthy and happy
I wish my salary will increase *that is a point!!
I wish i can get a sweet memories with dear at 3 anniversary
I wish...
Labour day, mother's day, 3 anniversary are coming soon
I think this month my salary will be gone
but i don't care,
cause i love mummy and i need to do something to her
even last time...*talk about the story next time
sorry mum...
Pity me don't have any plan hang out tomorrow, labour day
aiks my dear still wanna work la!!
Going to book tickets now :D
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Last facial
Hmmm izit something wrong about my XX
why this time is coming late and the XX is so less
that is 1st time my XX got something wrong
- - am worry about that
Just back from ESlim Beauty
finish my last facial today
hmm i'll stop my facial now
cause of money!!
1 facial is spend RM180 and blablabla
so..i stop it now
when i can save aroung 5k
i think 3k also enough for me d
Hmmm izit something wrong about my XX
why this time is coming late and the XX is so less
that is 1st time my XX got something wrong
- - am worry about that
Just back from ESlim Beauty
finish my last facial today
hmm i'll stop my facial now
cause of money!!
1 facial is spend RM180 and blablabla
so..i stop it now
when i can save aroung 5k
i think 3k also enough for me d
I'll do facial again one day! x)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Went to Kajang with dear and his family
that is my 2rd time go with his family
I still remember last time i went the place is full of excited and keep capture there here...that is my 2rd time go with his family
but now i feel bored on it
hahaha maybe few months ago i just went there only
So hot that day!!~**
I wanna eat kajang satay de leh!!
but dear not is the driver - -try it next time ba
**Just 'baibai at there
ate ice-cream and capture>>>
Btw we also had a delicious dinner at thereso yummy the foods ^^
Saturday, April 24, 2010
BB Cream
Fetch my sister go to school this morning
well that is my 1st time fetch her go school
Arzec,i save a lot of sweet memories at there
Accompany sling go take the necklace
my sis got follow with us also
we eat mcd as our lunch
have a lot of people that time
and the stupid air-corn is damn hot
got air-corn also like no air-corn - -
Yeeling, Yvonne and others also at Aeon
Fetch my sister go to school this morning
well that is my 1st time fetch her go school
Arzec,i save a lot of sweet memories at there
Accompany sling go take the necklace
my sis got follow with us also
we eat mcd as our lunch
have a lot of people that time
and the stupid air-corn is damn hot
got air-corn also like no air-corn - -
Yeeling, Yvonne and others also at Aeon
btw~ i go buy BB Cream ^^
i know that my dear is expense a lot on last and this month d
cause of repair his car almost RM9++
and he need buy for me a spectacles soon
cause i cant see and read clearly when studying
and now he need buy for me the BB Cream
ahaha i got a great hubby in my life~
Love you, my hubby memememe~!!
That is my BB Cream, Hot Pink, RM99
At evening, I just cincai cook hot dog and fries
the fries is i cut a slide slide de wor
so pro me
hahahaha nah!! am noob in cook
tata :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday- Steamboat
Yeah i like Friday!!
cause no class tonight and tomorrow i dint work
hehe relax relax now
I had a steamboat dinner with sling
and she fetch me go and back home
am her 1st friend that she fetch
After finished steamboat,
we went to Aeon a while
she bought a couple necklace
and me just look around
I found dou Han Guo Mei Ren da BB Cream
i want it soo long time ago d
but keep lazy and forgot to buy it
hehe but i need ask my dear buy for me
cause he is my dear
Thursday, April 22, 2010
(1)2010 年3月份到5月份,全球爆发新一轮H1N1变种,当秘密死亡人数较多时候,各国才正式由媒体确认,为的是之前不造成社会恐慌。到5月份结束,全球将有至少 3万人死于H1N1,其中美国及加拿大最严重,其次为中国。
(5)2010 年9月至 10月,全球多个地区持续高温,其中记录到非洲最高气温点42.6度,上海41.2度,超历史水平。
(8)2011年3月,美国洛杉矶发生大地震,震级为9.2 级,死亡人数飙升到18 万人,相隔不到半个月,唐山再次地震,震级为8.7级,死亡人数为11万人,专家称全球将进入地壳活跃时期。
(10)2011 年9月份,地理专家称地球磁场正在迅速减弱,太阳粒子暴更于11月份侵入地球磁场层,其间各国多次发生飞机坠毁事见和水下潜艇对撞事见。
(11)2011 年12月,将出现全球最著名的外星人事见,ß1星的编队到达美国51区,讨论全球灾难应对事见,美国总统和国防部长等秘密出席会议,事后联合国要求美国公布谈判视频。
(12)2012年2月,国际天文台专家发现一颗离地球3 亿光年的小行星正侵入太阳系,体积为地球的三分之一,预测 11月至 12月其间将撞击地球,全球专家讨论应对策略。
(14)2012年4月,联合国正式宣布全球进入灾难时期,5 月地理专家发现地球磁场发生完全两极交换,多地区发生时空交错现象,一些未来人出现,告诉现代人2012年 12月22日凌晨地球发生大灾难,他自己则为届时的幸存者,来自2025年后。
(16)2012年7月,联合国宣布诺亚方舟建造成功,俄罗斯有3台,中国有2台,每台可容纳 100万人,可抵挡海啸、地震、火山熔岩的攻击,7月底,美国51区借助外星人力量建成3艘宇宙超级飞船,每艘可容纳60万人,据称届时人类可以飞达太阳系任何一个星球生存。
(21)2012 年11月,世界人口统计数字为37亿,人口从2010年8 月开始就已经出现负增长,在过去三年里,人口减少了30亿。
(22)2012年 12月初,方舟和超级飞船的门票销售完毕,各国预计登船人数为:中国100万、俄罗斯95万,美国150万,日本 20万,超级飞船预计登船人数为美国80万,中国50万,俄罗斯20万,其他国家相对较少。以此来保证人类和物种可以在末日后继续繁衍。登船时间为12月15日至12月 20日。
(23)12 月 5日、12月12日,12月13日美国、中国、日本相继发生超级大地震,地震波及邻近国家,多个城市成为废墟,主震国家几乎瘫痪,整个地球处于临近毁灭状态,墨西哥、冰岛分别在12月7日到20日发生超级火山,多个城市被淹没在熔岩当中。
(24)12月20日止,5艘方舟各就各位待命,3 艘飞船已经飞往火星。12月21日美国时间下午17时11分,最强太阳风暴爆发,席卷的太阳风把太阳熔岩喷向地球,霎时间,非洲、南美洲、亚洲、欧洲等地一片火海,灾难造成未登船的15亿人死亡,美国时间晚上11时36分,小行星撞击地球,撞击地点在大西洋靠东部地区,引发的海啸波及半个地球,灾难再次导致未登船的18亿人死亡。
(1)2010 年3月份到5月份,全球爆发新一轮H1N1变种,当秘密死亡人数较多时候,各国才正式由媒体确认,为的是之前不造成社会恐慌。到5月份结束,全球将有至少 3万人死于H1N1,其中美国及加拿大最严重,其次为中国。
(5)2010 年9月至 10月,全球多个地区持续高温,其中记录到非洲最高气温点42.6度,上海41.2度,超历史水平。
(8)2011年3月,美国洛杉矶发生大地震,震级为9.2 级,死亡人数飙升到18 万人,相隔不到半个月,唐山再次地震,震级为8.7级,死亡人数为11万人,专家称全球将进入地壳活跃时期。
(10)2011 年9月份,地理专家称地球磁场正在迅速减弱,太阳粒子暴更于11月份侵入地球磁场层,其间各国多次发生飞机坠毁事见和水下潜艇对撞事见。
(11)2011 年12月,将出现全球最著名的外星人事见,ß1星的编队到达美国51区,讨论全球灾难应对事见,美国总统和国防部长等秘密出席会议,事后联合国要求美国公布谈判视频。
(12)2012年2月,国际天文台专家发现一颗离地球3 亿光年的小行星正侵入太阳系,体积为地球的三分之一,预测 11月至 12月其间将撞击地球,全球专家讨论应对策略。
(14)2012年4月,联合国正式宣布全球进入灾难时期,5 月地理专家发现地球磁场发生完全两极交换,多地区发生时空交错现象,一些未来人出现,告诉现代人2012年 12月22日凌晨地球发生大灾难,他自己则为届时的幸存者,来自2025年后。
(16)2012年7月,联合国宣布诺亚方舟建造成功,俄罗斯有3台,中国有2台,每台可容纳 100万人,可抵挡海啸、地震、火山熔岩的攻击,7月底,美国51区借助外星人力量建成3艘宇宙超级飞船,每艘可容纳60万人,据称届时人类可以飞达太阳系任何一个星球生存。
(21)2012 年11月,世界人口统计数字为37亿,人口从2010年8 月开始就已经出现负增长,在过去三年里,人口减少了30亿。
(22)2012年 12月初,方舟和超级飞船的门票销售完毕,各国预计登船人数为:中国100万、俄罗斯95万,美国150万,日本 20万,超级飞船预计登船人数为美国80万,中国50万,俄罗斯20万,其他国家相对较少。以此来保证人类和物种可以在末日后继续繁衍。登船时间为12月15日至12月 20日。
(23)12 月 5日、12月12日,12月13日美国、中国、日本相继发生超级大地震,地震波及邻近国家,多个城市成为废墟,主震国家几乎瘫痪,整个地球处于临近毁灭状态,墨西哥、冰岛分别在12月7日到20日发生超级火山,多个城市被淹没在熔岩当中。
(24)12月20日止,5艘方舟各就各位待命,3 艘飞船已经飞往火星。12月21日美国时间下午17时11分,最强太阳风暴爆发,席卷的太阳风把太阳熔岩喷向地球,霎时间,非洲、南美洲、亚洲、欧洲等地一片火海,灾难造成未登船的15亿人死亡,美国时间晚上11时36分,小行星撞击地球,撞击地点在大西洋靠东部地区,引发的海啸波及半个地球,灾难再次导致未登船的18亿人死亡。
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tesco with students
Tueday, 20/4/10
a happiness day today
As teacher da me and 2 others supervisor got join this activity
we are bring 6 students to Tesco
firstly, two students are cry like non-stop
cause their style is scare touch new things
like 1st time swimming, 1st time go shopping with teacher...
but after reach there,
they are no more crying
and obsessed with the toys...
what a cute child?!!
A student can buy a thing whatever they want
but got a small badger is around 2 dollars
they choose their not expensive toys
and they are happy ever
We are going to a trip at June
i think that time is most tired and tired day d
a happiness day today
As teacher da me and 2 others supervisor got join this activity
we are bring 6 students to Tesco
firstly, two students are cry like non-stop
cause their style is scare touch new things
like 1st time swimming, 1st time go shopping with teacher...
but after reach there,
they are no more crying
and obsessed with the toys...
what a cute child?!!
A student can buy a thing whatever they want
but got a small badger is around 2 dollars
they choose their not expensive toys
and they are happy ever
We are going to a trip at June
i think that time is most tired and tired day d
Few of the pictures >>
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Being Human
Went to Aeon this afternoon
had a movie with dear, Being Human
hmmm not bad la
but its bored also
After finished da movie,
hang a while at there
i like a pair of couple's watch
its look qualities~!!
but not the time now to spend this or that
we need save MONEY ;(
bought mcd's fries as my snack
yummy yummy~~
Btw, I also had a nice dinner with dear and his family
at Feng Zhe Yuan
we are planning where to go when labour day
but its 2 of may la
had a movie with dear, Being Human
hmmm not bad la
but its bored also
After finished da movie,
hang a while at there
i like a pair of couple's watch
its look qualities~!!
but not the time now to spend this or that
we need save MONEY ;(
bought mcd's fries as my snack
yummy yummy~~
Btw, I also had a nice dinner with dear and his family
at Feng Zhe Yuan
we are planning where to go when labour day
but its 2 of may la
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Haagen-Dazs and dinner
Yesterday, Saturday ^^
So bored at home, i wanna shopping man!!
so my sis accompany me went to Jusco
I was decided to buy contact lens
cause last week da contect lens got do promotion
arghh so annoyed and its expensive d
Well just hang around the shopping mall
i was feel bored on Jusco
its nothing special and nice can lepak at there
btw, i was feel like want have some snack
yoo!! long time i dint eat there da ice-cream edi
Just order a ~paradise~
and 2 mineral water
walao!! the mineral water is expensive!
RM6.50 each! and its small bottle
but its different la
got bit fresh and sweet on that
Took a lot of pictures den
So bored at home, i wanna shopping man!!
so my sis accompany me went to Jusco
I was decided to buy contact lens
cause last week da contect lens got do promotion
arghh so annoyed and its expensive d
Well just hang around the shopping mall
i was feel bored on Jusco
its nothing special and nice can lepak at there
btw, i was feel like want have some snack
yoo!! long time i dint eat there da ice-cream edi
Just order a ~paradise~
and 2 mineral water
walao!! the mineral water is expensive!
RM6.50 each! and its small bottle
but its different la
got bit fresh and sweet on that
Took a lot of pictures den
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tot today will go watch Being Human
but is the time problem
hmm hmm
sorry Khim :(
cause around 10+ like that,
I need join a party with family
my grandpa, grandma, aunt and blablabla~
a big and whole family are join together tonight
we are going to Klang Parade for sing-k
Hope you guys enjoy the movie den
xoxo ^^
but is the time problem
hmm hmm
sorry Khim :(
cause around 10+ like that,
I need join a party with family
my grandpa, grandma, aunt and blablabla~
a big and whole family are join together tonight
we are going to Klang Parade for sing-k
Hope you guys enjoy the movie den
xoxo ^^
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Lets tonight gonna be a GOOD night!!
Just back from Setia Alam pasar malam
love my dear
when i wanna hang out anywhere,
i want eat anythings...
he will try to satisfy what i want
I got it d...
'Don't become upset cause of someone
for what??
not worth also wad :))
I am excited to meet her
who is that?
sure is my true heart friend la^^
i think we gonna have more cizat cizat and fun that time
Saturday night again...
lets tonight gonna be a good night~~~good good night
love my dear
when i wanna hang out anywhere,
i want eat anythings...
he will try to satisfy what i want
I got it d...
'Don't become upset cause of someone
for what??
not worth also wad :))
I am excited to meet her
who is that?
sure is my true heart friend la^^
i think we gonna have more cizat cizat and fun that time
Saturday night again...
lets tonight gonna be a good night~~~good good night
Friday, April 9, 2010
i feel like am busy and no more times to online wei~
btw, i try to accept my job now
sometimes i full of stress!
because the naughty and stupid children
plus my boss wanna my student all become clever,
and still want make sure they wont sick and blablabla
walao!! so hard to do it man
arghh!! suak
this week i got 4 days class
but i join 3 days account class d
i like to do account question now *surprise leh
and these cause of my teacher is teach so nice
i wish i can keep it up, continue push myself!
going to study d
tata ^^
i feel like am busy and no more times to online wei~
btw, i try to accept my job now
sometimes i full of stress!
because the naughty and stupid children
plus my boss wanna my student all become clever,
and still want make sure they wont sick and blablabla
walao!! so hard to do it man
arghh!! suak
this week i got 4 days class
but i join 3 days account class d
i like to do account question now *surprise leh
and these cause of my teacher is teach so nice
i wish i can keep it up, continue push myself!
going to study d
tata ^^
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I damn angry and boh song now!
WTF and what the means of 'friends' ?
anyone can give me an answer - -
Well, everytime i boh song sure i find ppl to chat
if not, i'll update my blog and type what i wanna complain and say
this is my style, i know that lanc abit
but i happy enough, don't care!
Today is thursday,
i was tot i dint have class tonight
but i got! no way man
in the morning, i like normal go to work
afternoon i go do facial
and the time is so rush for me d
wth, i finished my facial around 6 o'clock
but i got a class at 7 o'clock
Are you think that am so free and still got time to take a nap?
i answer you! NO
although i can take a small nap during masking
but still got people massage with me that time
are you think i can take nap that time?
BTW i know we are long time no meet d,
i miss you all too
but no choice, i cant meet up with you all guys
cause of the time and day problem
so sorry den
but izit that can blame me at all?
Friends? is for what?
for somethings can have fun and boredom?
i don't know you all agree my answer or not
but my answer is,
friend is a true heart to be
sometimes when we fall down or moody,
she will help you and cheer you up.
sometimes when we busy and our life become rush,
she will understanding and support us.
not that only will "jia yan jia cu" , "shuan siao" , blame you..! da friend
opss! that not call friend anymore, is a human/stranger ny~
our life is so meaningful if we can do it nice or sweet
more considerate and understanding. your life will be easier for
I damn angry and boh song now!
WTF and what the means of 'friends' ?
anyone can give me an answer - -
Well, everytime i boh song sure i find ppl to chat
if not, i'll update my blog and type what i wanna complain and say
this is my style, i know that lanc abit
but i happy enough, don't care!
Today is thursday,
i was tot i dint have class tonight
but i got! no way man
in the morning, i like normal go to work
afternoon i go do facial
and the time is so rush for me d
wth, i finished my facial around 6 o'clock
but i got a class at 7 o'clock
Are you think that am so free and still got time to take a nap?
i answer you! NO
although i can take a small nap during masking
but still got people massage with me that time
are you think i can take nap that time?
BTW i know we are long time no meet d,
i miss you all too
but no choice, i cant meet up with you all guys
cause of the time and day problem
so sorry den
but izit that can blame me at all?
Friends? is for what?
for somethings can have fun and boredom?
i don't know you all agree my answer or not
but my answer is,
friend is a true heart to be
sometimes when we fall down or moody,
she will help you and cheer you up.
sometimes when we busy and our life become rush,
she will understanding and support us.
not that only will "jia yan jia cu" , "shuan siao" , blame you..! da friend
opss! that not call friend anymore, is a human/stranger ny~
our life is so meaningful if we can do it nice or sweet
more considerate and understanding. your life will be easier for
*if you guys hate me, just click close den!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My life is start from ZERO now
My life is start from zero now!
cheers babe ^^
i was start study yesterday
i tot that am alone go study at IPAQ
what a hell new for me!!
but i don't care alone - -
btw, luckily got 1 that i know person go study there also :)
is... Geok Khim!!
hahaha is soo surprise for me
we are learning some basic of account on this week
as our foundation
next week we are gonna mix a big class d :D
i hopes and i wish i can push myself to study
i don't want get fail result and i want get a certificate!
although i hate accont man = =
huh~God always bless me
* i always know that :P
cheers babe ^^
i was start study yesterday
i tot that am alone go study at IPAQ
what a hell new for me!!
but i don't care alone - -
btw, luckily got 1 that i know person go study there also :)
is... Geok Khim!!
hahaha is soo surprise for me
we are learning some basic of account on this week
as our foundation
next week we are gonna mix a big class d :D
i hopes and i wish i can push myself to study
i don't want get fail result and i want get a certificate!
although i hate accont man = =
huh~God always bless me
* i always know that :P
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Somebody can help me?!!
I'm so obsessed with the cupcake!!
where can I get the special and cute look cupcake?
except The Basic Stories and Cupcake Chic
cause there are basic cupcake ny
I wanna buy the cupcake for my dear's present as our 3 anniversary
I know Damansara got kinda these cupcake
but its too far for me to go there
I'm so obsessed with the cupcake!!
where can I get the special and cute look cupcake?
except The Basic Stories and Cupcake Chic
cause there are basic cupcake ny
I wanna buy the cupcake for my dear's present as our 3 anniversary
I know Damansara got kinda these cupcake
but its too far for me to go there
I'm loving this so muchy!!
Prada bag?! Its so fabulous man!!
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